Gros Morne National Park.

GROS MORNE NATIONAL PARK :                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Gros Morne National Park is a world heritage site located on the west coast of Newfoundland. At 1,805 km2 (697 sq mi), it is the second largest national park in Atlantic Canada (surpassed by Torngat Mountains National Park at 9,600 km2/3,70Gros Morne National Park’s clearly defined boundary encompasses an area measuring 180,500 hectares. This area is of sufficient size to completely portray the progression of geological events that took place when an ancient ocean and the ancient continental margin of eastern North America were destroyed and uplifted to form a mountain chain through the action of plate tectonics. Collectively the sequences of rocks that illustrate this geological evolution are represented by: an ancient continental crust composed of intensely metamorphosed granite and gneisses; a continental shelf with tropical carbonate sediments, containing abundant fossils; a continental slope of thick sequences of shales inter-bedded with limestone conglomerates, also with abundant fossils; a complete cross section of oceanic lithosphere including large exposures of mantle material; and significant sequences of volcanic rocks of oceanic origin.Happy Journey.

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